Varenyky with sour cherries


  • 3 eggs
  • 800-950 g (28-33,5 oz) flour
  • 125 ml milk
  • 125 ml water
  • 800 g (28 oz) cherries
  • 100 g (3,5 oz) sugar
  • 2-3 tbsp semolina
  • salt – to taste


Divide yolks and whites. Whip the whites stiffly. Add milk, water, flour, and salt. Knead the stiff dough. Leave it for 30 minutes.


Remove pits from sour cherries. Wash the berries. Mix them with sugar and semolina. Leave the ingredients for 30 minutes. The semolina is used in order to prevent the runout of the cherry juice and the adhesion of varenyky during the boiling. The semolina does not influence the taste.

Then roll the dough, cut off the rounds. Place filling on each round and join the edges.

Pour water in a pan and bring it to boil. Add varenyky and wait until they come to the surface, stirring them from time to time (you may add some oil to prevent dumplings from sticking). Then continue to cook varenyky for 5 minutes more.

Serve hot with sour cream.

Enjoy your meal!

Tip! You can use this recipe to cook varenyky with any other berries.