Blended or combined cocktails have become very popular recently. We offer you the recipe of a vegetable drink, which not only meets taste preferences but also causes health benefit.
The combination of celery and tomato is rather unusual and specific. Both vegetables influence on our nervous system favourably. Celery slows down the process of aging, improves liver and kidneys functions, normalizes water-salt metabolism.
- 1 kg celery stalks
- 200 ml tomato juice
- 1/2 kg sweet and sour apples
- black ground pepper – to taste
- salt – to taste
Wash and slice celery stalks. Place them in a juice squeezer and blend until smooth texture. Wash apples, cut them in half, remove seeds and extract juice as well. Combine the celery and apple juices in a jar. Pour the tomato juice above. Stir the mixture. Season the smoothie with salt and pepper to your taste. Chill the prepared drink in a fridge or serve it with ice cubes.
Enjoy your meal!
Tip! You may also top the vegetable smoothie with chopped fresh parsley.