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Reconnecting with traditions: 5 forgotten dishes of Ukrainian cuisine

Ukrainian cuisine boasts a rich history and a diverse range of authentic dishes that have gradually disappeared from modern kitchens. While contemporary recipes have replaced some, others have been forgotten. Today, we’re bringing you 5 unique dishes that you can recreate in the comfort of your own home. Let’s start with zaiets, a traditional Ukrainian meatloaf! Zaiets (meatloaf) Also known…

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Roasted beet soup with kidney beans

…add rinsed, peeled, and cubed potatoes. Cook over low heat for half an hour and then add washed and shredded cabbage. 4 Wash, peel, and chop carrots. Peel and rinse bulb onions. Chop them finely. Combine carrot with the onion in a frying pan and cook them in vegetable oil until golden brown. Almost at the end of cooking add…

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