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10 prominent features of ancient Ukrainian cuisine

  National culinary traditions and language, literature, and art hold significant cultural value. Ukrainian cuisine, known for its diverse dishes offering exceptional nutritional value and taste, has evolved over the years. Historical records and archaeological findings reveal the Central Dnipro region’s rich and varied food preferences during the Kyivan Rus period. The cuisine included: Domestic meat (pigs, sheep, goats, cows,…

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Magic Old New Year fortune telling – 6 tasty ways to find out your fate

…sugar means a “sweet” life, a ring means marriage, a nut means that you’ll have two admirers at once, a cherry stone means a baby will be born in your family. 2 Grains that can look to the future Girls arrange saucers with buckwheat, millet cereal, rice, semolina, oatmeal, and pearl barley porridge in a circle and pour water in…

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