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Varenyky with a delicious peach and raspberry filling

…salt. Knead a soft elastic dough pouring sparkling water little by little. Cover the dough in a bowl with a towel, lid, or cling film and leave for 20-30 minutes so that the flour gluten swells better. In culinary, this is called – the dough is resting. Fold dumplings In half an hour, roll out the dough in a thin…

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Beef cutlets (recipe from Poltava)

…today’s recipe are traditional beef cutlets. This easy and tasty dish will be awesome appetizer or second course for your family. Besides, it doesn’t require numerous and rare ingredients. Vice versa, to cook beef cutlets you need only meat, pork fat, and spices. And of course, a short while for cooking. Ingredients: 450 g (16 oz) of meat (beef) 50…

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