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Carpathian garnish – Torhonia

Torhonia is a popular garnish in the Carpathians. For many decades torhonia successfully substituted macaroni. Ukrainian grandmothers cooked this second course with red bell pepper and tomatoes by themselves for a couple of months in advance. Nowadays you can buy semi-finished products and simply cook it. However, the homemade torhonia is anyway tastier because it has the energy and warmness…

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Potato and Chanterelle Mushrooms Cream Soup

If you a searching for a simple supper which can be prepared quickly and with minimum effort, then this cream soup is just what you need. Rich with vegetables and slightly spiced, this soup tastes sensational. In addition, chanterelle mushrooms will also add some special aroma to our dish. I assure you will find yourself doubling this recipe often because…

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