Tag Archives: vegetable smoothie

Cucumber, Parsley, and Lettuce Smoothie

This super green and super vibrant smoothie will become a great start to any day for breakfast. A cucumber, dill, parsley, and lettuce leaves make a perfect combination.

The main ingredient cucumber is not only a good source of vitamin C but it also...

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Healthy vegetable smoothie

Vegetable and fruit smoothie become popular while they are salubrious and help in fight against overweight. However, remember two golden rules. If you have a small spoon for smoothie then you feel sated faster and if you cook smoothie for supper then you have more...

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Fruit and vegetable green smoothie

This smoothie with an apple, broccoli, and spinach can be served as for children as for adults. It is an ideal variant for those who go in for sports and lead healthy lifestyle.

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