Carrot, apple, and strawberry juice

Juicing fresh fruits is one of the best things we can do for our health. When we drink freshly squeezed juices, we deliver all of the nutrients and essential vitamins of those fruits to our body in a form that is easily processed.

The fruit juice we’re cooking today is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy, since it includes only fresh fruits and berries. No sugar! No additional sweeteners! Refreshing and bursting with goodness, this satisfying drink is going to cleanse your body.

From strawberries you’ll get an extra dose of vitamin C, carrots will enrich your body with potassium and vitamin A, while apples contain antioxidants that help maintain the cholesterol level in the blood.

So, if you want to boost your energy level, then let’s make this juice together. Apart from enjoying its rich color, divine flavor, and amazing taste, you’ll also detox your body, improving your health. The apples will balance the earthiness of the carrots, while the strawberries will add uplifting sweetness.


  • 2 big apples
  • 2 big carrots
  • 200 g (7 oz) strawberries


The amount of ingredients makes one large glass. So, if you want to make more juice, then double or triple the amount of fruit and berries.

Wash fruits thoroughly, be careful to remove all dirt. Dry them. Cut the ends of carrots and throw them away. Then cut the carrots into circles. Remove stems from strawberries. If your berries are too big to fit into the juicer, then chunk them. Cut apples into wedges.

Put the carrots, apples, and strawberries into a juicer and squeeze the juice.

The juice is ready for serving. Pour it in a glass, stuck a straw in the glass, and decorate your cocktail with bright strawberries.

It’s recommended to drink freshly squeezed juices right after cooking to benefit from the most nutrients, since the concentration of useful properties tends to decrease. Moreover, in time the juice can change its taste and flavor. So, drink the juice at once. Enjoy the gifts of nature and stay healthy!

Sip your drink!

Do you have a favorite Ukrainian recipe for a freshly squeezed juice? If so, please let us know in the comments below or write us an e-mail.