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5 Sought-after West Ukrainian desserts

…Flodni are a traditional multi-layered pliatsok with Hungarian origin. This shortcrust pastry cake includes the layers of nuts, poppy seeds, and apple. The main feature of this dessert lies in the fact of using chicken or goose lard. You can substitute it with pork fat or dairy butter, but the classic recipe includes exactly the poultry fat. This bakery is…

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Secrets of cooking the perfect herring under fur coat

…for carrot and beetroot, and only the coarse grater for potato. The onion should be cut as finely as possible or crushed with a blender. The herring also should be cut into medium pieces, and all fish bones should be removed. Forth step – Salad arranging. The traditional layer order: herring, onion, potato, carrot, and beetroot. All layers are greased…

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