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100 Year old recipe for Easter cake

…dough should already become fluffy, tender, and alive – breathing and “coming out of the bowl.” Baking molds must be preheated on fire or in the oven beforehand (so that you can touch the inside to grease them with butter), then carefully arrange the dough in the forms (filling no more than 3/4 of the mold). Easter cakes should “spend”…

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Fish Baked with Carrot and Tomato

…to taste salt – to taste Cooking Wash parsley and dry it. Peel bulb onions and cut them into medium pieces. Combine the parsley and onion. Place them in a blender and blend. Wash, peel, and slice carrots. Cut the pike perch into portion sized pieces. Rub the fish with salt and pepper. Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil….

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