Tag Archives: platsok

5 Sought-after West Ukrainian desserts

Nowadays muffins, cupcakes, tiramisu, and doughnuts fill all shop windows and restaurant menus. Undoubtedly, these world desserts are delicious, but let’s refresh our memory about amazing sweet authentic dishes from Western Ukraine.

It has been known about language borrowings and similarities in clothing ornaments of Ukrainians from Western Ukraine with their European...

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Pliatsok – Exquisite Ukrainian dessert, the king of Western Ukraine bakery

Pliatsky are one-of-a-kind bakery traditional for Western Ukraine. They represent something betwixt and between pies and cakes. In Lviv and Ternopil there is a dialectic word interpretation – “pastry that includes crusts, creams, and fillings.” It is no wonder that pliatsky are so loved by Ukrainians. They incorporate the best eating qualities of...

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