Category Archives: Vegetarian

Rhubarb kvas with cinnamon and raisins

Make this tasty rhubarb drink with cinnamon, cloves, and raisins to wow all your friends and relatives. Once cooked, this rhubarb kvas will become one of your favorite drinks and its recipe will be added to your cookbook.

This kvas takes zest of cinnamon and perfectly pairs it with bright flavor of cloves and...

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Cabbage and Carrot Salad with Tangy Seasoning

This salad is healthy to eat and beautiful to behold. It includes such simple ingredients as cabbage and carrot.

This salad is rather tangy thanks to its flavorful seasoning which comprises sunflower oil, apple vinegar, garlic, sugar, and salt. This dressing marinates the vegetables and makes their taste unique and specific.

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