Magic Varenyky with predictions for the next year

Each of your family members and guests is going to find predictions for the next year inside his or her varenyk.

The Ukrainians celebrate New Year twice in the year because of the differences between Gregorian (secular) and Julian (Orthodox Church) calendar. The official celebration of the New Year falls on January 1, while January 14, remaining an important part of the ancient calendar, is called the Old New Year.

The Old New Year is a warm and cozy fest which prolongs Christmas fun. We have a tradition to tell fortunes on the night of 13 to 14 January to find out what is going to happen the next year.

Magic varenyky is a very interesting dish. They are cooked on this marvellous fest. Such varenyky are stuffed with various fillings and each of the fillings has its own meaning.


  • 250 ml water
  • a pinch of salt
  • 460-500 g (16-17,5 oz) flour
  • a pinch of soda
  • 60 ml vegetable oil


Combine flour, soda, salt, water, and vegetable oil. Mix them carefully and knead the dough. Continue to knead until the dough will not stick to your hands (add flour if necessary).

Place the dough on a slightly floured surface. Roll it out into 1/8 inch in thickness and cut into circles. Place the filling in the center of each circle (the list of various fillings is given below). Fold the dough over to form a half-circle and press the edges together until well sealed and there is no air trapped in the varenyk.

Pour water in a pan and bring it to boil. Place the varenyky in the pan. Boil them until done. Then transfer the varenyky to a colander to drain. Place the varenyky on a serving bowl and add dairy butter (this will keep them from sticking together).

Enjoy your meal!

Here is the list of various fillings for your magic varenyky

Orange – enjoyment

Sour cherry – luck

Green peas – peace at home

Walnut – health

Corn – wealth

Raisin – temptation

Candy – love

Potato – career progress

Cranberry – surprise

Dried apricot – joy

Bay leaf – fame

Sugar – sweet life

Cottage cheese – new friends

To believe or not to believe in the predictions is the individual right of each of us. Actually, so is our choice whether to cook such varenyky or not.

If you know some other possible fillings and want to share, please let us know in the comments below or write us an e-mail.