Varenyky with Mutton

Today we are going to cook varenyky with a delicious meat filling.

Ground mutton with onion is a good solution to stuff your varenyky.

If you haven’t tried the varenyky with such a filling till now, then you definitely should try.

They taste really great.

These varenyky are rather nourishing so you can serve them as a dinner for your family.

One more plus is that you can cook them in advance and put the varenyky in a freezer.

Once you need them, everything you’ll have to do is to boil the varenyky and your meal is ready!


  • 2 tsp salt
  • 4 bulb onions
  • 1 bunch of cilantro
  • 1 kg (2,2 lb) mutton
  • 1 tbsp wine vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp red ground pepper
  • 1/2 tsp black ground pepper
  • dairy butter (for serving)


  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 150 ml water
  • 800 g (28 oz) flour


Wash and cut mutton into medium pieces. Peel, wash, and chop bulb onions. Combine the mutton and onion. Mince the mass. Add rinsed and finely cut cilantro. Adjust salt, black and red ground pepper to your taste. Mix everything carefully.

Bring water to boil. Add salt and stir to combine. Pour the water into a bowl. Add flour and 2 eggs. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and knead the dough. Cover the prepared dough with a napkin and leave for a while.

Roll the dough and cut out circles with the help of a cup. Arrange the prepared filling above each circle. Fold the dough over the filling and crimp the edges tightly. Repeat the procedure till you use all the ingredients.

Boil the prepared varenyky in salted water until done. Serve the varenyky with wine vinegar and melted dairy butter.

Enjoy your meal!

Do you have a favorite Ukrainian recipe for varenyky? If so, please let us know in the comments below.