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World brands and celebrities support Ukraine

…U.N. Special Envoy, the organization has no involvement in this visit since Angelina traveled in personal capacity. The actress talked with refugees, visited children in the hospital, and met with volunteers. Unfortunately, like millions of Ukrainians daily, she also heard an air raid alert and immediately ran for cover. J.K. Rowling, a British writer and best-selling author of Harry Potter,…

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Online restaurant with Holodomor dishes

…1932-1933. After all, the bark of trees in the cold season was almost the only chance to survive. Matorzhenyky Pancakes made of oak, birch, or aspen bark. To do this, Ukrainians peeled the bark from trees and finely ground it using the press cake/oil cake (a by-product after the extraction of oil by pressing from the seeds of oil crops)….

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