Part I – Vegetables
You need ripe red tomatoes. Wash them. Cut tomato into 4 parts in such a way that the cut doesn’t reach the lower part of the vegetable. Then place tomatoes on a baking tray and dry. Keep vegetables in the cheesecloth bags and hung them up in the aired room.
Green pea
Shell green pea. Blanch peas for 2-3 minutes in the water and cool them (in order not to overdo). Put peas on the sheet and dry two or three times with one-hour or two-hour intervals. Dried green pea has wrinkled surface, pleasant sweet taste and dark green color.
Pierce the bottom and the midst of the chili pepper / sweet pepper pod for drying its inner part.
Wash carrot properly, cut off the shoot and cut vegetable in the form of rings. Dry it for 4-5 hours.
Don’t wash mushrooms before drying. Clean them thoroughly and rub with rug. Cut off the rootlets, separate caps from stems. Slice big caps and stems. You should stir mushrooms during drying.
Dill / parsley/ celery
Dry them separately for about 2 – 2.5 hours. You need to wash dill and parsley. Then simply dry them.
Wash celery thoroughly. Clean from the little shoots. Cut celery in the form of rings. Dry it for 3.5 – 4 hours.
Keep in the glass jars or tin boxes with tightly closed lids.