Varenyky with guelder rose berries

Varenyky with guelder rose berry filling are a great family-friendly dish.

Relishing a sweet sour taste, these varenyky are just marvelous. Bright flavor, tender taste.

What could be more tempting?

Try this great national Ukrainian dish and see for yourself.

These varenyky are also nourishing enough to satisfy any appetite.

Perfect solution to feed a crowd.

So, if you are waiting for guests, your relatives and friends, and want to treat them with really delicious Ukrainian food, look no further. This is the recipe you need.


  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp of salt
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 5-6 cups of wheat flour


  • 4-5 tbsp sugar
  • 2-3 tbsp semolina
  • 700 g (26 oz) guelder rose berries
  • sour cream (for serving)
  • 1 tbsp dairy butter (for serving)


Combine eggs and salt in a deep bowl. Whip until fluffy for 2-3 minutes. Pour milk and water above and mix until smooth. Then stir in 1 cup of sifted flour. Add cups of flour one by one, each time stirring the mass.

Knead the dough thoroughly. Cover the dough with a kitchen towel and leave it under room temperature for 30-40 minutes.

Wash guelder rose berries under running water. Let the water drain and put the berries in a deep bowl. Top them with sugar and semolina. Mix everything until smooth. Leave the mass under room temperature for 20 minutes. Then cover the bowl with plastic food wrap and put it in a fridge for 20 minutes.

The dough should be tough, if it’s not, add some flour. Roll the dough into a thin layer (2-3 cm thickness). Cut out circles out of the dough.

Put the prepared filling in the middle of each circle. Pull the sides together and seal them tightly to form a semicircle.

Repeat the procedure until you use all the ingredients. While you are making other varenyky, keep the prepared varenyky covered with a kitchen towel, in that case they won’t dry out.

Pour water in a pan. Bring the water to boil, then add salt and the prepared varenyky.

Cook the varenyky for 7-8 minutes. When they float up to the top, leave them in a pan for one minute more. Drain the varenyky and mix with warmed dairy butter.

Serve the cooked varenyky with sweetened sour cream.

Enjoy your meal!

Do you have a favorite Ukrainian recipe for varenyky with guelder rose berry filling? If so, please let us know in the comments below or write us an e-mail.