Dry mustard is used mainly for the cooking of various meat and fish dishes. The sophisticated cookery specialists always recommend adding this spice to the fresh meat or mincemeat in order to soften the dish. Just one teaspoon of this homemade mustard seasoned with cinnamon and cloves will makes your food to stick in the memory of your guests for a long time because of its bright flavor.
- 280 g dry mustard
- 100 ml vegetable oil
- 1 glass of vinegar (9%)
- 5 tbsp sugar
- 1 bay leaf
- bayberry – to taste
- cinnamon – to taste
- cloves – to taste
- hot pepper – to taste
Pour 175 ml of water in a pan. Add the species and bring water to boil. Boil the marinade for 5-8 minutes. Then cool it and pour the glass with vinegar in the pan. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
Bolt the dry mustard and pour it with boiling water. Leave the mixture for 10-12 hours in a cool dark place. Then pour out the water and mix the mustard with vegetable oil, sugar and marinade till you get the homogenous mass.
Place the mustard in a bowl and keep it for a period of 24 hours there. Serve with any dishes.
The prepared mustard should be kept in a hermetic container a cool dark place.
Enjoy your meal!
Do you have a favorite Ukrainian recipe for homemade mustard? If so, please let us know in the comments below or write us an e-mail.