Pancakes with mushrooms and onion

Present you one more recipe for pancakes with mushroom and bulb onion filling. Such components as onion and mushrooms give a pancake a special taste and flavor. This dish is rather rich and nourishing.


  • 200 g (0,44 lb) flour
  • 1/2 l (liter) of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 10 g (0,02 lb) dry yeast
  • 50 g (0,11 lb) dairy butter
  • a pinch of salt
  • 100 g (0,22 lb) dried mushrooms /
  • 500 g (1,1 lb) quick frozen mushrooms
  • 1 medium bulb onion
  • vegetable oil (for frying)
  • sour cream


Combine slightly preheated milk, yeast, sugar and half of the flour in a deep pan. Cover the pan with a lid and leave it in a warm place for 1-2 hours. Then stir the batter and add the remaining products – eggs, melted dairy butter, milk, salt and flour. Leave the batter for 1 hour more.

Peel mushrooms and a bulb onion. Slice the mushrooms and chop the onion. Fry the ingredients, then cool them a little and add to the prepared batter.

Fry the pancakes on vegetable oil. Brown them on both sides. Serve the dish hot with sour cream.

Enjoy your meal!

Tip! There is another recipe of these pancakes. It differs from the first one in the way of frying. We simply don’t add the fried mushrooms and onion to the batter. First we pour one layer of the dough in a heated frying pan and brown it a little. Then we put the mushrooms and onion above and cover everything with another layer of the batter.

Do you have a favorite Ukrainian recipe for pancakes with mushroom filling? If so, please let us know in the comments below or write us an e-mail.