Tasty appetizer with beetroot


Try to cook this fish appetizer with vegetables. You’ll be amazed with its savory and piquant taste.


  • 300 g (0,66 lb) pike fillet
  • 1 little beetroot
  • 100 g (0,22 lb) brown bread
  • 100 g (0,22 lb) cream (23%)
  • 1 little piece of horseradish route
  • 16 black peppercorns
  • a pinch of ground white pepper
  • a pinch of ground nutmeg
  • gelatin
  • leek – to taste
  • fresh parsley – to taste
  • a bay-leaf
  • salt – to taste


Place horseradish root in a pan with water. Add bay leaf, chopped parsley and leek, some black peppercorns and ground white pepper. Stir the ingredients and cook the broth.

Peel a pike fillet, cut it into big pieces, salt them and leave for 5 minutes.

Place the fish in a deep pan and pour it with the prepared broth. The broth should hardly cover the pike (put the horseradish aside for a while). Cook until the pike is done. Then take out the fish and cut it finely. Remove all the fish bones.

Take a plastic bottle and cut it on both sides in order to get a high ring. Cut the brown bread in the form of a circle. Place the bread as a foundation of the dish. Soak it slightly with the prepared fish broth and place in a fridge for half an hour.

Pour cream in a roasting pan and heat over medium heat. Do not bring to boil and add ground white pepper, nutmeg and gelatin soaked in water beforehand. Mix the ingredients carefully and let them cool a little.

The next layer of appetizer is chopped fish covered with the prepared cream. Add necessary ingredients and place the dish in a fridge.

Peel beetroot. Then grate it or whip in a blender. Next juice the vegetable. Chop the black peppercorns, place them in a roasting pan. Pour 100 ml of water and 70 ml of beetroot juice there. Heat the ingredients over medium heat and boil them. The cool the mass for 5 minutes and add gelatin soaked in water beforehand. Stir until the gelatin dissolves completely. Cool the mixture a little and filter it. The mixture will form the third layer. Pour it and place the appetizer in a fridge.

When all the ingredients harden, slit the bottle. Then place the dish on a platter. Top the appetizer with the chopped horseradish root.

Enjoy your meal!

Do you have a favorite Ukrainian recipe for a fish and beetroot starter? If so, please let us know in the comments below or write us an e-mail.