Fruit snowballs



  • 8-10 tbsp jam
  • 2 whites of the egg
  • 200 ml milk
  • sugar – to taste
  • vanillin – to taste
  • sour sauce


Place eggs in a deep-freeze for 10 minutes. Whip whites of the egg. Add jam and continue to whip. Taste and add sugar to your liking.

Pour milk in a pan. Mix it with vanillin. Bring it to boil and then reduce the heat.

Deep 2 spoons in cold water and form “snowballs” by the help of them. Place “snowballs” in the boiling milk. Overturn “snowballs” after 15 seconds and wait 10 seconds. Then place “snowballs” on a sieve in order to let milk drip. Do everything quickly or “snowballs” can stick. Place them on a plate and serve with sour sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

Do you have a favorite Ukrainian recipe for dessert with jam and vanilla? If so, please let us know in the comments below or write us an e-mail.