About Ukraine

The difference between Orthodox and Catholic Easter

  Catholicism and Orthodoxy are the largest confessions that honor the feast of Easter and celebrate it on a large scale. Almost every one of us knows that there is one week between the dates of the Easter celebration. However, not all know the differences between the celebrations of Easter among Catholics and Orthodox. In Ukraine, Easter is celebrated according…

BakeryDessertStep-by-step recipes

Mushroom cookies – It’s time for magic

…able to preserve its form. We need one whole egg and one additional yolk. Knead the dough and add the remaining flour (75/85 g – 2,5/3 oz) until the dough stops sticking to your hands. Divide the dough into 3 equal parts. Chop walnuts finely and mix them with one part of the dough carefully. Cover all dough pieces with…